[Audiere-users] undefined reference
Martin Mustermann
2007-01-29 21:27:29 UTC
I am using "CodeBlocks" and the audio library "Audiere". I want to write a little program that plays a sound (like in the "tutorial.txt"-file included in the download), but after compiling it shows the error message:

undefined reference to `***@8'
.objs\main.o:main.cpp.text$_ZN7audiere10OpenDeviceEPKcS1_[audiere::OpenDevice(char const*, char const*)]+0x14): undefined reference to `***@8

I don't know why the linker can't find this function because I added the "audiere.lib"-file to the linker.

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Matt Campbell
2007-01-29 22:20:22 UTC
Hello Martin:

Which compiler and which linker are you using? If use GCC, is it the
Cygwin version of the MinGW version?
Matt Campbell
Lead Programmer
Serotek Corporation
"The Accessibility Anywhere People"
Martin Mustermann
2007-01-30 19:57:06 UTC
I tested it with different compilers, but the error message is always the same. (How can I find out the linker that I use?)

How can I see which version of the GCC it is? I looked at the menu at "project->build options", but I could not find detailed information, there.

Matt Campbell <***@freedombox.cc> schrieb: Hello Martin:

Which compiler and which linker are you using? If use GCC, is it the
Cygwin version of the MinGW version?
Matt Campbell
Lead Programmer
Serotek Corporation
"The Accessibility Anywhere People"

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Martin Mustermann
2007-01-30 21:01:48 UTC
Problem is solved. (I tried a wrong way using the linker to add the "audiere.lib" to the project.) Now, everything's okay. ;)

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