Martin Mustermann
2007-01-29 21:27:29 UTC
I am using "CodeBlocks" and the audio library "Audiere". I want to write a little program that plays a sound (like in the "tutorial.txt"-file included in the download), but after compiling it shows the error message:
undefined reference to `***@8'
.objs\main.o:main.cpp.text$_ZN7audiere10OpenDeviceEPKcS1_[audiere::OpenDevice(char const*, char const*)]+0x14): undefined reference to `***@8
I don't know why the linker can't find this function because I added the "audiere.lib"-file to the linker.
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undefined reference to `***@8'
.objs\main.o:main.cpp.text$_ZN7audiere10OpenDeviceEPKcS1_[audiere::OpenDevice(char const*, char const*)]+0x14): undefined reference to `***@8
I don't know why the linker can't find this function because I added the "audiere.lib"-file to the linker.
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