[Audiere-users] Audiere
Eric Behme
2005-05-24 17:14:08 UTC

thanks a lot for Audiere, I like it very much.

I saw the audiere users list. In our new game 'Commando Xenidis' (not finished yet)
we will also use Audiere. We are hobby-game developers and call ourselves 'Magic Storm'.

Perhaps you want to add us to your users list.

Our homepage (downloads)

Our forum

I only have one problem with audiere:

When closing the game in development mode, I get an error.
It wasn't there before. I also cannot can Unref, gives me an error.

Maybe this is because I have one sound, but use it for different Ogg files I reload.

If you can help me, I can post some code, I am using Delphi 7.

Thanks a lot,
Eric Behme (Magic Storm)

EMail: ***@web.de
Besuch meine HomePage www.ericbehme.de
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Chad Austin
2005-06-01 00:52:39 UTC
Hi Eric,

Finally have a minute to say hello. :) I'll gladly add you to the users page!

About the crash on exit, are you calling Ref() on the objects after you create
them? (Then Unref() when you're done, of course.) A bit of example code would
help me help you.

(It would be useful to have a Delphi+Audiere tutorial, if someone wants to write

Post by Eric Behme
thanks a lot for Audiere, I like it very much.
I saw the audiere users list. In our new game 'Commando Xenidis' (not finished yet)
we will also use Audiere. We are hobby-game developers and call ourselves 'Magic Storm'.
Perhaps you want to add us to your users list.
Our homepage (downloads)
Our forum
When closing the game in development mode, I get an error.
It wasn't there before. I also cannot can Unref, gives me an error.
Maybe this is because I have one sound, but use it for different Ogg files I reload.
If you can help me, I can post some code, I am using Delphi 7.
Thanks a lot,
Eric Behme (Magic Storm)
Besuch meine HomePage www.ericbehme.de
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